외국의 유명 관광지를 항공뷰로 보면 너무나 멋지고 아름다워 부럽다는 생각을 많이 하였는데 요즘 KBS의 9시 뉴스 바로 전 보여주는 우리나라 산하의 항공뷰를 보면서 그 생각을 완전 바꿨습니다. 평소에 2차원으로 봐 왔던 우리나라 곳곳의 풍경이 이처럼 아름답고 휼륭하다는 걸 보면서 자부심도 느껴 지구요. 이 지구상의 모든 풍경들을 그렇게 단면적으로 느껴 보는 것과 제 3의 시각으로 보는 건 참으로 차이가 많다는 것도 이참에 알았답니다. |
This community lies near the intersection of seven rivers.
Circular fields near a lake, watered with center-pivot irrigation. Image is 9km (5.5 mi) wide.
A steep drop, these switchbacks plummet from 3,000m (10,000ft) to 2286m (7,500ft) within this 3.2km (2mi) wide image.
Lake water pours through this international scene.
A growing community near a well-off city.
A living mass of treetops. This scene is 3.5km (2.1mi) wide.
A clustered neighborhood in a country that lists English as one of its official languages.
A scene covering some 3.8km (2.3mi), shows part of community of fewer than 200 people.
Saltwater ponds cut their way through this southerly farmland. Image is 2.5km (1.5 mi) across.
Ravaged by warfare nearly 20 years ago, this town remains abandoned to this day.
An aquatic scene measuring some 1.5km (2mi) across.
A sparse, yet noisy, neighborhood in a warm climate.
Humans have been leaving their mark on the Earth for centuries.
A lonely vessel.
A contrast of wet and dry near the Atlantic Ocean. This image is 2km (1.2mi) wide.
Population density.
Remote, high, and salty, lake and mountain meet.
Small fields near a town of about 8,300 people.
A lake, a sea, a spit, a roadway.
Desert and agriculture meet south of Mary.
You have to go east to go west.
Tending these fields must be seriously hard. Scene is 1km (.6mi) across.
The oldest and northernmost town in the region, near a winding river.
A crater basin below sea level.
Farming around the eroded edges of a northern river.
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