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새와 꽃이 만든 아름다운 동양화 - 중국 Lou Dahua(樓大花)


Lou Dahua(樓大花)는 1948년 중국에서 태어나 상해대학과 베이징의 스튜디오에서 미술공부를 하였으며 현재 동양화로서 명성을 높이고 있는 화가이다. 새와 꽃을 주로 그리며 아주 섬세한 화풍이 그의 특징이다.

A true master of Chinese brushwork, Lou Dahua was born in 1948 and studied art at the Beijing and Shanghai Universities. He has been engaged in the meticulous brushwork of birds and flowers for several decades and his works form a distinct and vivid art style suiting both refined and popular tastes. His paintings are a rare blend of traditional Chinese and Western painting methods and have been exhibited in China, Japan, Taiwan and other Asian countries, Europe and North America. Each Lou Dahua painting is a one-of-a-kind hand painted original.


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